The term "cold hardy tropicals" may seem like an oxymoron, but in Charleston people want a tropical landscape even though temperatures often dip below freezing. So, at Meeting Green, we have to figure out what tropical plants are going to survive year after year for Charleston gardeners. Especially if we keep seeing snow like we did this year! ❄️
Deciding what to plant in your yard can be overwhelming, so always feel free stop in and chat with a Meeting Green team member! To help with decision fatigue, we've put together a list of cold hardy tropicals that we commonly carry at the shop. This list is not exhaustive and you may have other tropicals in your space that are thriving, but use this as a guide when creating your personal tropical oasis!
Dependable palms:
Chinese fan palm
Lady palm
Mule palm
Pindo palm
Sabal palmetto
Silver saw palm
Coontie palm
Leafy classics:
Elephant ears*
Philodendron selloums
Shell ginger*
Various ferns*
Flowering favorites:
Bush hibiscus or Rose of Sharon*
Canna lilies*
Passion flower
You may be wondering, "are the tropicals in my garden cold hardy?" First, make sure you know your hardiness zone! (See this map for more information.) Then, look up your existing plant's hardiness zone to determine if they can survive in Charleston. For example, Lady Palms are hardy to zones 9-11 and we're in zone 9 in Charleston, so they are safe to plant in the ground! Keep in mind that mother nature can be tricky and there are always exceptions, but adhering to our hardiness zone is a good rule to follow!
If keeping your plants alive throughout the winter wasn't already hard enough, you also need to consider if the cold hardy tropicals are deciduous*, meaning they loose their leaves in the fall and winter. Don't worry, these tropical deciduous plants aren't dead - they're just hibernating! With proper care, they will flush back out in the spring.
Ready to turn your garden into a tropical oasis? Now that you're armed with the proper knowledge, stop in and get planting this weekend! Or, fill out the design consult form to chat with our team about transforming your space this spring.

Check out this thriving cold hardy tropical design by Meeting Green at Little Palm! We utilized tropicals like shell ginger, selloums, and multiple palms plus other Charleston classics like jasmine, foxtail ferns, and sweet viburnum for an evergreen look full of texture and tropical vibes.